Friday, August 1, 2008

On the Road Again

My very good friend was curious to see how I travel with the little ones, so I thought I would show everyone how some of our outings are handled. Stroller and mini camper get used when I take all three, they can not all be in the stroller at the same time. Mia likes to start trouble so she can only be pared with Macky, he tolerates her best. Either one of the girls will be in the camper on top. Macky loves the stroller and is very happy when he doesn’t have to share it. As for car traveling well that gets a bit more involved. Mia also has a car seat that she sits in but when I have all three I can’t trust her to stay in her so she goes in the camper with the seat belt around it. The Betty Boop sun shields have to get put up, the front passenger seat gets pulled all the way up and the head rest is removed so the seat will recline completely. This way I know they are receiving all the benefits from the AC. Oh and I also have to make sure I have water, treats, wee wee pads, harnesses, leashes, stroller in trunk and anything else I might need depending on where we are going and how long we will be out. It is so much easier taking one at a time for an outing and I usually rotate who goes so they all get to go somewhere because they totally enjoy it. My days of packing diaper bags have turned to doggie bags.

1 comment:

Aud said...

Thanks so much for the photos!!! OMG I could never imagine all the preparation. I can't believe how much work it is taking the Three Musketeers out together!!! It's like having triplets. I can imagine after being out with all three of them you must be exhausted (like I am after physical therapy). They are an adorable crew though!